Children Endowment Money Back Term Assurance Pension Unit Link Group Insurance

Charges under the Plan
  1. Unallocated portion of the Premium - The difference between the total premium and the allocated premium

  2. Administration fee - A monthly Administration Fee of Rs.25/- will be deducted by canceling appropriate number of Units at the beginning of the month at the prevailing unit value. Administration fee may be increased at the discretion of the company subject to maximum of Rs.40/- per month depending on the experience of the company and subject to approval of IRDA.

  3. Fund management charge - There will be a charge, as mentioned in the chart below, which will accrue and will be charged to the fund on a daily basis from the Policyholder's Unit Account towards Fund management expenses. Thus, the value of the Units in the Fund would be calculated after taking into account the Fund Management Charge.

    Fund Secured Balanced Growth
    Fund Management
    0.65% p.a. of the
    Fund Value
    subject to
    maximum of 0.90%
    p.a. depending on
    the experience and subject to approval
    of IRDA
    0.75% p.a. of the
    Fund Value
    subject to
    maximum of 1%p.a. depending on the
    p.a. depending
    on the experience and subject to
    approval of IRDA
    1% p.a. of the Fund
    Value subject to
    maximum of 1.25% p.a.
    experience and subject to
     approval of IRDA

  4. Mortality charge - - Mortality charge will be recovered by cancellation of appropriate number of units at the beginning of every month depending on policyholder's age at that time and the same would be product of the mortality rate with net sum at risk (difference between sum assured as reduced by partial withdrawals) within two years during the policy terms and the fund value) at that time. The annual mortality charges (per unit of Sum at Risk for life cover) are as per the table below :
    Age Mortality Charge Age Mortality Charge
    7 0.000440 24 0.001224
    8 0.000440 25 0.001245
    9 0.000440 26 0.001262
    10 0.000418 27 0.001275
    11 0.000495 28 0.001283
    12 0.000583 29 0.001287
    13 0.000715 30 0.001287
    14 0.000784 31 0.001288
    15 0.000847 32 0.001321
    16 0.000905 33 0.001371
    17 0.000960 34 0.001439
    18 0.001011 35 0.001526
    19 0.001057 36 0.001630
    20 0.001099 37 0.001752
    21 0.001136 38 0.001893
    22 0.001169 39 0.002052
    23 0.001199 40 0.002258
Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation. Sahara Insurance Co. Ltd.,
Sahar dia Bhawan, 1, Kapoorthala Compl iganj, Lucknow- 226 024. IRDA Regi tion No 127
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