Children Endowment Money Back Term Assurance Pension Unit Link Group Insurance

Benefits under the policy
Risk cover
Age Nearer Birthday Cover
0-6 years  Risk cover will start after (7- age at entry) years after commencement of the policy
7 years and above Immediately

On maturity
- Fund Value

On death
Before commencement of risk : Fund Value
After commencement of risk :

Under Single Premium
Maximum of sum assured reduced by partial withdrawals within two years immediately preceding the death of the life assured or the fund value on the date of receipt of intimation in writing in a office of Sahara India Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Under Regular Premium
If all due premiums are paid i.e. policy is inforce -
Maximum of sum assured reduced by partial withdrawals within two years immediately preceding the death of the life assured or the fund value on the date of receipt of intimation of death in writing in the office of Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd;
If all due premiums are not paid but the period from the date of first unpaid premium to the date of death is less than two years (revival period):

  1. If at least 3 years premiums have been paid -
    Maximum of sum assured reduced by partial withdrawals within two years immediately preceding the death of the life assured or the fund value on the date of receipt of intimation of death in writing in the office of Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd;
  2. If premium for less than 3 years have been paid - Fund Value

If all due premiums are not paid and the period elapsed from the date of first unpaid premium to the date of death is more than two years and policyholder has opted for continuation of the risk (If the policyholder had not opted for continuation of the risk, the surrender value, as per rules was payable):

Maximum of sum assured reduced by partial withdrawals within two years immediately preceding the death of the life assured or the fund value on the date of receipt of intimation of death in writing in the office of Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd;

Surrender Value
The policy will acquire surrender value if single premium or one full year's premium is paid under the policy but surrender value will be payable only after three years from the date of commencement of the policy. The surrender value payable depending on duration under Single premium and number of years premiums paid under Regular premium is given below :

Single Premium

Duration Surrender Benefit
After three years but less than four years from commencement 95% of fund value
After four years from commencement 100% of fund value

Regular Premium

If premiums are paid for one year but less than two years  50% of fund value
If premiums are paid for two years but less than three years  85% of fund value
If premiums are paid for three years but less than five years  95% of fund value
If premiums are paid for five years or more  100% of fund value

Partial Withdrawal is allowed subject to the following conditions:

  1. Partial Withdrawal is allowed after three years from the date of commencement of risk subject to the life assured having attained majority (i.e. on or after attainment of age of 18 years).
  2. Maximum partial withdrawal is 50% of fund value subject to the condition that minimum balance in the fund after partial withdrawal should be 150% of annualized premium under regular premium policy & Rs 35000 under single premium policy.
  3. Minimum partial withdrawal amount is Rs. 2,500.
  4. Minimum period elapsed between two partial withdrawals should be one year.
  5. The policy should be in force having paid all due premiums.
  6. There is no charge applicable for partial withdrawal.
Benefit Illustration
Benefit Illustration for regular Premium with age 10 years, premium Rs. 10000, sum assured Rs. 200000, premium term 11years, policy term 20 years.The calculation is based on annual premium and it is assumed that all the primiums are paid when due.

Year Age Annual
*Fund Value **Death Benefit ***Surrender Benefit
6% 10% 6% 10% 6% 10%
1 10 10000 200000 8,021 8,331 200,000 200,000    
2 11 10000 200000 17,497 18,502 200,000 200,000    
3 12 10000 200000 27,451 29,591 200,000 200,000    
4 13 10000 200000 38,427 42,223 200,000 200,000 36,506 40,111
5 14 10000 200000 49,966 56,005 200,000 200,000 49,966 56,005
6 15 10000 200000 62,101 71,048 200,000 200,000 62,101 71,048
7 16 10000 200000 74,864 87,469 200,000 200,000 74,864 87,469
8 17 10000 200000 88,291 105,399 200,000 200,000 88,291 105,399
9 18 10000 200000 102,417 124,979 200,000 200,000 102,417 124,979
10 19 10000 200000 117,283 146,363 200,000 200,000 117,283 146,363
11 20 10000 200000 132,928 169,721 200,000 200,000 132,928 169,721
12 21    200000 139,394 184,859 200,000 200,000 139,394 184,859
13 22    200000 146,200 201,396 200,000 201,396 146,200 201,396
14 23   200000 153,363 219,450 200,000 219,450 153,363 219,450
15 24   200000 160,903 239,152 200,000 239,152 160,903 239,152
16 25   200000 168,840 260,650 200,000 260,650 168,840 260,650
17 26   200000 177,196 284,109 200,000 284,109 177,196 284,650
18 27   200000 185,994 309,708 200,000 309,708 185,994 309,708
19 28   200000 195,257 337,642 200,000 337,642 195,257 337,642
20 29   200000 205,008 368,124 205,008 368,124 205,008 368,124
* The Fund Values given above are indicative. Actual Fund Value will depend on the actual performance of the fund.
** Death benefit as stated shell stand reduced by the partial withdrawal made within two years immediately preceding the death of the life assured. The death benefit where it exceeds 200,000 is only indicative depending upon performance of the fund. .
*** The Surrender Benefit depends on the actual performance of the fund and is not guaranteed.
  • If a claim arises during the minority of the Life Assured the payments are made to the Proposer of the policy and in his absence to the estate of the Proposer.
  • On the life assured becoming major i.e. 18 yrs old, the policy automatically vests in him.
Any condition under the Rider?
The premium waiver benefit rider will be granted on the basis of proposer's personal statement, declaration and connected documents and in case it is found that any untrue or incorrect statement is contained therein or any material information is withheld, the future premiums under the base policy will not be paid by the company as premium waiver benefit rider will stand cancelled.

What are the terms and conditions for availing the rider?
Item  Value
Minimum Entry Age  18 years (Nearer Birthday)
Maximum Entry Age  57 Years (Nearer birthday)
Maximum Coverage Age  65 Years
Minimum Term 8 Years
Maximum Term 21 years

What are the premium rates for the rider?
Indicative Annual Premium Rates per 100 premium to be waived are as under:

Premium paying term of the base plan  21 years
Term of Premium Waiver Rider  21 years
Premium paying term of Premium Waiver Rider  21 years

Age Premium (Rs.)
20  2.10
25  2.20
30  2.50
35 3.40
40 5.20

Exclusions for the Rider
Suicide Clause

Rider shall be void and all monies paid under the rider shall be forfeited to the Company and premiums under the base policy shall not be paid by the company in case proposer commits suicide (whether sane or insane at the time) at any time on or after the date on which the risk under the rider has commenced but before the expiry of one year from the date of this rider policy.

Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation. Sahara Insurance Co. Ltd.,
Sahar dia Bhawan, 1, Kapoorthala Compl iganj, Lucknow- 226 024. IRDA Regi tion No 127
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