Children Endowment Money Back Term Assurance Pension Unit Link Group Insurance

The Plan
It is a micro insurance policy. It is suitable for those who have limited resources but desire to safeguard their families against the uncertainties of life and save for the future. The plan is non-participating and provides the ideal solution. On maturity of the policy or in case of unfortunate death the Sum Assured is payable if the policy is in force.

Plan Details
Minimum Issue Age: 18 Years(last birthday)
Maximum Issue Age: 60 Years (nearer birthday)
Minimum Sum Assured.: Rs 50,00/-
Maximum Sum Assured.: Rs. 30,000/-
Minimum Policy Term 05 Years
Maximum Policy Term 15 Years
Premium Paying Term Same as policy term
Maximum Maturity Age 75 Years
  • Sum Assured is payable on death during the term of the policy if the policy is in force.
  • On survival of the policyholder up to maturity, Sum Assured under this policy is payable if policy is in force.
What are the modes available for payment of premium?
  • yearly, half-yearly and quarterly
What are the rebates available?
  • For yearly & Half-yearly mode of premium payments rebate of 3% and 1.5% are available on tabular premium respectively.
Grace period for non-forfeiture provisions
Grace period of 30 days irrespective of any calendar month will be allowed for payment of yearly, half yearly and quarterly premiums. In case premium is not paid within the grace period and if death occurs within this period, the policy will be still valid and the sum assured shall be paid to the claimant after deduction of outstanding premiums falling due before the next policy anniversary.
In case of death, unpaid premium(s) if any, falling due before the next policy anniversary shall be deducted from the claim amount.

What happens if the payment of premiums is discontinued?
The Policy shall lapse on the expiry of the grace period. The policy can be revived within a period of two years from the due date of first Unpaid Premium.

Can the policy be surrendered?
Yes, after the policy has run and premiums have been paid for at least 3 years. Higher of Special surrender value and Guaranteed surrender value is payable, where
  • Guaranteed surrender value is equal to 30% of premiums paid (excluding the first year’s premium, extra premiums, if any).
  • Basis for calculating Special surrender value shall be announced by the company from time to time.
Is loan available?
  • No loan is available under the plan.
We give below premiums (in Rupees) payable under annual mode for sum assured of Rs. 10,000 for some specific ages and terms:
Age Term
  05 08 10 12 15
20 1890 1112 855 684 535
25 1891 1112 856 695 536
30 1891 1113 856 696 537
35 1893 1116 860 700 542
40 1898 1122 867 708 551
45 1906 1133 879 722 567

Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation. Sahara Insurance Co. Ltd.,
Sahar dia Bhawan, 1, Kapoorthala Compl iganj, Lucknow- 226 024. IRDA Regi tion No 127
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