Children Endowment Money Back Term Assurance Pension Unit Link Group Insurance Riders

Benefits under the policy:
  • On maturity - Fund Value
    This amount can be used in the following manner
    - Up to 1/3rd of the maturity amount can be commuted and received as
    lump sum at the time of maturity of the policy.
    - Balance amount has to be used to buy an immediate annuity(pension) from any life insurance company at the annuity rates prevailing at that time.
  • On Unfortunate Death
    Death Benefit payable immediately on death of the policyholder
  • If all due premiums are paid i.e. policy is in-force.
    Maximum of sum assured or the policy fund value on the date of receipt of intimation of death in writing in the office of Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd;

  • If all due premiums are not paid but the period from the date of first unpaid premium to the date of death is less than two years ( revival period):

    (a) If at least 3 years premiums have been paid-
    Maximum of sum assured or the policy fund value on the date of receipt of intimation of death in writing in the office of Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd;

    (b) If premium for less than 3 years have been paid - Fund Value

  • If premium for less than 3 years have been paid - Fund Value
    iii) If all due premiums are not paid and the period elapsed from the date of first unpaid premium to the date of death is more than two years and policyholder had opted for continuation of the risk (If the policyholder had not opted for continuation of the risk, the surrender value, as per rules was payable):

    Maximum of sum assured or the policy fund value on the date of receipt of intimation of death in writing in the office of Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd;

    If the nominee is the spouse and is less than 40 years nearer birthday on the date of death of life assured, the death benefit in lump sum will be payable. If nominee is spouse and age is 40 years nearer birthday or more on the date of death of life assured, the nominee will have an option to avail the death benefit in a lump sum or purchase immediate annuity from Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or any other insurer in which case 1/3rd of the death benefit may be commuted if so desired. If nominee is other than the spouse the death benefit will be payable in lump sum to the nominee.
Surrender Value
The policy would acquire surrender value if one full year premium is paid. However surrender value would be payable after at least three years from the commencement
of the policy.
If premiums are paid for one year but
less than two years
50% of fund value
If premiums are paid for two years but
less than three years
85% of fund value
If premiums are paid for three years but
less than five years
95% of fund value
If premiums are paid for five years or more 100% of fund value

Partial Withdrawal - Partial Withdrawal is not allowed

Loan - Loan is not allowed under the plan.

Fund Value:
If the nominee is the spouse and is less than 40 years nearer birthday on the date of death of life assured, the death benefit in lump sum will be payable. If nominee is spouse and age is 40 years nearer birthday or more on the date of death of life assured, the nominee will have an option to avail the death benefit in a lump sum or purchase immediate annuity from Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or any other insurer in which case 1/3rd of the death benefit may be commuted if so desired. If nominee is other than the spouse the death benefit will be payable in lump sum to the nominee.

Rider available under the plan

  • Accident Benefit & Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Benefit Rider
    The details are available in the sales literature of the rider available for unit linked product.
Benefit Illustration
In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder.

We attach the benefit illustration with details for Annual Premium Rs. 12000, Age 35 years, Term 20 years , Sum Assured Rs. 120000 (for Sahara Balanced Fund).
The calculation is based on annual premium and it is assumed that all the premiums are paid when due.

Charges -
Administration Fee - A monthly Administration Fee of Rs.25/- will be deducted by canceling appropriate number of Units at the beginning of the month at the prevailing unit value.

Fund Management Charges - 0.75% of the fund value will be charged to the fund on daily basis from the Policyholder's Unit Account towards Fund management expenses.

Mortality Charge - The risk premium i.e. mortality charge is recovered by cancellation of appropriate number of units on monthly basis at the begining of the each month and depend on the amount of risk being the difference between the Sum Assured and the fund value at that time and the age of the Life Assured.

The annual mortality charges are as per the table in sales literature.
Year Age Annual Premium  Sum Assured *Fund Value **Death Benefit ***Surrender Benefit
6%% 10% 6% 10% 6% 10%
1 35 12000 120000 10503 10908 120000 120000 - -
2 36 12000 120000 22572 23875 120000 120000 - -
3 37 12000 120000 35279 38044 120000 120000 - -
4 38 12000 120000 49040 53925 120000 120000 33515 36142
5 39 12000 120000 63535 71287 120000 120000 46588 51229
6 40 12000 120000 78808 90274 120000 120000 63535 71287
7 41 12000 120000 94906 111048 120000 120000 78808 90274
8 42 12000 120000 111882 133764 120000 133764 94906 111048
9 43 12000 120000 129773 158565 129773 158565 111882 133764
10 44 12000 120000 148595 185643 148595 185643 129773 158565
11 45 12000 120000 168398 215205 168398 215205 148595 185643
12 46 12000 120000 189231 247481 189231 247481 168398 215205
13 47 12000 120000 211150 282719 211150 282719 189231 247481
14 48 12000 120000 234210 311191 234210 321191 211150 282719
15 49 12000 120000 258471 363194 258471 363194 234210 321191
16 50 12000 120000 283996 409052 283996 409052 258471 363194
17 51 12000 120000 310849 284,109 310849 459119 283996 409052
18 52 12000 120000 339102 459119 339102 513781 310849 459119
19 53 12000 120000 368825 513781 368825 573459 339102 513781
20 54 12000 120000 400097 638615 400097 638615 368825 573459

Reduction in Yield on maturity due to above mentioned charges (including mortaity charges) at 6% is 1.35% and at 10% is 1.39%

*The fund value given above are indicative. Actual fund value will depend on the actual performance of the fund.

**The death benefit where it exceeds 120000 is only indicative depending upon the performance of the fund.

***The surrender value benefit depends on the actual performance of the fund and is not guaranteed.

Statutory Warning
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed returns, then these will be clearly marked “guaranteed” in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable returns, then the illustration on this page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance.
Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation.
IRDA Registration No 127
Registered Office:
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Lucknow 226024
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CIN: U65999UP2000PLC025635
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