Children Endowment Money Back Term Assurance Pension Unit Link Group Insurance Riders

Benefits under the policy:
  1. On Death: Sum Assured under the scheme shall be payable along with the Fund Value to the credit of individual member to the nominee of the member during continued membership of the group and currency of the policy.

  2. On Retirement/Leaving Service: Fund Value to the credit of individual member shall be payable on terminal date or his cessation from the membership due to retirement, resignation etc.
Benefit Illustration: In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policy holder. Assumptions : Contribution of Rs.100 per month and sum assured of Rs. 1 lac per member. Administration Charge - 11% of premium per month per member. Fund Management Charge - 0.75% per annum. Mortality Charge - The membership of the group will be changing due to exits and new entrants. However for the purpose of this benefit illustration the population is taken as stationary and mortality cost is taken as 21.123 on the basis of 110% of Indian Assured Lives Mortality (1994-96) Ult. Table at age of 40 years including service tax @ 12.24%.

Rate of interest - 6% and 10% per annum.
At the
Fund Value Sum Assured Death Benefit Benefit on leaving the group
6% 10% 6% 10% 6% 10%
1 837 854 100000 100837 100854 837 854
2 1718 1787 100000 101718 101787 1718 1787
3 2645 2806 100000 102645 102806 2645 2806
4 3620 3918 100000 103620 103918 3620 3918
5 4646 5132 100000 104646 105132 4646 5132
6 5725 6457 100000 105725 106457 5725 6457
7 6861 7905 100000 106861 107905 6861 7905
8 8055 9485 100000 108055 109485 8055 9485
9 9312 11209 100000 109312 111209 9312 11209
10 10634 13093 100000 110634 113093 10634 13093
11 12026 15149 100000 112026 115149 12026 15149
12 13489 17394 100000 113489 117394 13489 17394
13 15029 19844 100000 115029 119844 15029 19844
14 16649 22520 100000 116649 122520 16649 22520
15 18353 25442 100000 118353 125442 18353 25442
16 20147 28631 100000 120147 128631 20147 28631
17 22033 32113 100000 122033 132113 22033 32113
18 24018 35915 100000 124018 135915 24018 35915
19 26106 40066 100000 126106 140066 26106 40066
20 28303 44597 100000 128303 144597 28303 44597
21 30614 49545 100000 130614 149545 30614 49545
22 33046 54947 100000 133046 154947 33046 54947
23 35604 60844 100000 135604 160844 35604 60844
24 38295 67283 100000 138295 167283 38295 67283
25 41127 74312 100000 141127 174312 41127 74312
26 44106 81987 100000 144106 181987 44106 81987
27 47240 90366 100000 147240 190366 47240 90366
28 50538 99514 100000 150538 199514 50538 99514
29 54007 109502 100000 154007 209502 54007 109502
30 57657 120406 100000 157657 220406 57657 120406

The above figures pertain to the benefit payable to individual members of the group on death & leaving the group.
*The fund value given above are indicative. Actual fund value will depend on the actual performance of the fund.
**The benefit depend on the actual performance of the fund and to that extent are not guaranteed.

Statutory Warning:
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed returns, then these will be clearly marked “guaranteed” in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable returns, then the illustration on this page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance.

Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation.
IRDA Registration No 127
Registered Office:
Sahara India Centre ,2, Kapoorthala Complex,
Lucknow 226024
Tel: 0522-2337777,Fax: 0522-2332683, Email:
CIN: U65999UP2000PLC025635
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